Based in New York City // 240-595-3741 @emmajoyhowells

Emma Howells - Visual Storyteller

Tearsheets: A selection of published work and how it appeared in print
Projects - Photography, Photo Editing and Videography

Dr. Michael Jensen for

Terp Magazine

Pitching, Research, Portraiture

With this shoot, I wanted to evoke gravity of Jensen’s research into domestic radicalization while keeping the clean, professional tone of the magazine in mind. I chose to use dramatic lighting and a barren room to echo the nature of his subject material.

I developed this pitch with the Artistic Director and executed the final portrait, which ran in the Winter ‘21 issue of the magazine.

Terp Magazine

Image Research, Photo Editing

The University of Maryland’s quarterly magazine publication, circulation 120,000.

I worked with the editorial team to research each story, collected relevant imagery by searching university archives, reaching out to outside collections and licensing work from photographers and wire agencies.

God’s Plan for Pomeroy

Reporting, Producing, Filming, Audio & Video Editing

A small church on the border of Ohio and West Virginia prays for prosperity despite the town’s steadily declining population.

Photography Portfolio

Additional Portfolios

My assignment photography and portraiture portfolio are available on my website, as well as my most recent work on Instagram.         |         240-595-3741         |         @emmajoyhowells